Perfume Oils

Smell like Self-Love with Self-Love by SelfishBabe, our first perfume, and blessing oil.
Made with spiritual and energetically potent ingredients such as Amber, African Rose, Clary Sage, and Violet, our perfume and blessing oil will remind you to put yourself first as well as help you attract more blessings into your life.


Amber: attracts success to you and is known to cleanse negative energies

African Rose: one of the highest vibrational plants embodying great love. This showers you in the energy of love.

Clary Sage: relaxes the body, increases self-confidence, cleanses negative energy, is a natural antidepressant, and helps to open up your third eye chakra.

Violet attracts the energy of peace and love allowing you to love yourself deeper.

Self -Love by Selfishbabe is activated through your words. You roll the oil onto your skin and you pray for yourself with your own affirmation or the ones we have provided to you on our packaging.
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